This website is about current and finished research projects on residential segregation in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands and Belgium.
These projects have in common that they use register data and innovative measures of segregation, where neighbourhoods are defined from around individuals instead of being based on administrative borders. This has several advantages, among others a closer definition of what people perceive as their neighbourhood, and a great opportunity to compare segregation over time, and across cities, regions and countries. Such comparisons have been impossible with previous definitions and data.
In the period 2024-2029, the project Disentangling Segregation will improve our understanding of the patterns, mechanisms and consequences of ethnic, socioeconomic and demographic segregation over time and through improved measurement using a multiscalar approach and features of the built environment. It will be conducted in Sweden (Stockholm University) and the Netherlands (University of Amsterdam) with PI Karen Haandrikman.
The new project builds on the previous project “Residential segregation in five European countries - A comparative study using individualized scalable neighbourhoods”, that constructed segregation measures across cities and countries within Northwestern Europe.