Dissemination - Conference presentations
ENHR Housing Conference, 26-29 June 2018, Uppsala, Sweden.
Karen Haandrikman presented the paper "Socioeconomic segregation in European cities. A comparative study of Amsterdam, Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen. Co-authors: Rafael Costa, Bo Malmberg, Adrian Farner Rogne and Bart Sleutjes.
PopFest Oxford, 19-21 June 2018, Oxford.
Adrian Rogne presented the paper "Ethnic Segregation, Economic Segregation and the ‘Second Generation’ - The Moving Patterns of the Descendants of Non-Western Immigrants in Oslo".
European Population Conference, 6-9 June 2018, Brussels.
Karen Haandrikman presented the paper "Socioeconomic segregation in European cities. A comparative study of Amsterdam, Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen. Co-authors: Rafael Costa, Bo Malmberg, Adrian Farner Rogne and Bart Sleutjes.
Nordic Geographers Meeting Stockholm, 18-21 June 2017.
Bo Malmberg presented the paper ”A comparative study of segregation patterns in Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden: Neighbourhood Concentration and Representation of Non-European migrants” by Eva Andersson, Bo Malmberg, Rafael Costa, Bart Sleutjes, Marcin Stonawski and Helga de Valk.
Pontus Hennerdal presented the paper “A New Multiscalar Approach for Studying Segregation and Clustering that Avoids the Part of the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem Related to the Area of Reference” by Pontus Hennerdal and Michael Nielsen.
Rafael Costa presented the paper “Socio-spatial disparities in Belgium, 2001—2011. A fine-scale analysis of pockets of poverty and wealth” by Rafael Costa and Helga de Valk.
Bart Sleutjes presented the paper “Residential segregation in The Netherlands: a longitudinal analysis using scalable individualized neighbourhoods” by Bart Sleutjes, Jeroen Ooijevaar and Helga de Valk.
Karen Haandrikman presented the paper "Segregation and integration. The association between initial settlement and subsequent employment and income among new migrants in Sweden" by Thomas Wimark, Michael Nielsen and Karen Haandrikman.
American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, 5-9 April 2017, Boston.
Eva Andersson, Bart Sleutjes, Rafael Costa, Marcin Stonawski, Helga de Valk and Bo Malmberg presented the paper “Residential segregation of non-European migrants in four European countries: A comparative study”.
Dutch Demography Day 2016, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 23 November 2016
Bart Sleutjes, Helga de Valk and Jeroen Ooijevaar prseented the paper "The measurement of ethnic segregation: Differences between administrative and individualized neighbourhoods".
National Science Symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13 October 13 2016
Bart Sleutjes presented the paper "Residential segregation in The Netherlands: Adopting a multiscalar approach using individualized neighbourhoods".
European Population Conference (EPC), Mainz, Germany, Sept 2016
Bart Sleutjes, Rafael Costa and Helga de Valk presented the paper “The overlap between socio-economic and ethnic segregation at different spatial scales: A comparison between the Netherlands and Belgium”.​
Rafael Costa and Helga de Valk presented the paper "Socio-spatial disparities in Belgium. Looking for pockets of poverty and wealth using egocentric neighbourhoods".
ENHR conference, Belfast, UK, June 30 2016
Bart Sleutjes, Helga de Valk and Jeroen Ooijevaar presented the paper "The measurement of ethnic segregation: differences between administrative and individualized neighbourhoods".
Dag van de Sociologie, Tilburg, the Netherlands, June 9 2016
Bart Sleutjes and Rafael Costa presented the paper "Links between socio-economic and ethnic segregation at different spatial scales: A comparison between The Netherlands and Belgium".
Bo Malmberg and Eva Andersson (with Chris Fowler) organized the session "Multiscalar analysis of population" at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) in San Francisco on March 29, 2016.
In this session, Eva Andersson (co-authors Michael Nielsen, Karen Haandrikman and Bo Malmberg) will present the paper "Changing patterns of residential segregation in the migrant population of Sweden 1990-2012".
In this session, Costa (co-author Helga de Valk) will present the paper "Ethnic and socioeconomic segregation in Belgium: A multi-scalar approach using individualized neighbourhoods". The same paper will be presented on March 31 at the Population Association of America Annual Meeting in Washington D.C.
On October 30, 2015, Rafael Costa and Bart Sleutjes attended the Segregation seminar, held at NIDI The Hague, and presented the ResSegr project.
55th ERSA conference, World Renaissance; Changing roles for people and places, Lisbon, Portugal, 25-29th August 2015
Bart Sleutjes and Helga de Valk presented the paper "Residential segregation of migrant groups in Dutch cities; The role of scale and measurement".
In June 2015, there was a SIMSAM/SUNDEM international workshop on new developments in register-based demographic research, organized by Gunnar Andersson in Stockholm. Bo Malmberg presented the ResSegr project.
In April 2015, there was a whole day of EquiPop-related sessions at the Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) in Chicago. Segregation patterns in Sweden, the UK, the US and Belgium were presented. From ResSegr, Bo Malmberg and Eva Andersson from Stockholm University participated, and from the VUB Lena Imeraj.
In December 2014, Karen Haandrikman was a keynote speaker at “The Stockholm Register Summit – learnings on register-based research in an interdisciplinary context” at Karolinska Institutet, where she presented the ResSegr project.