Disentangling segregation
The role of intergenerational transmission, household mobility & housing

The purpose of this research programme is to improve our understanding of the patterns, mechanisms and consequences of ethnic, socioeconomic and demographic segregation over time using a multiscalar approach and including features of the built environment.

Summary and plans
We build on progress made by geographers in understanding scale and advancing methods, by using register data, individualised neighbourhoods and segregation profiles, and using segregation indicators that are based on population, distance, travel time and physical features of the neighbourhood.
We aim to contribute to understanding three mechanisms of segregation and its consequences for residential and socioeconomic inequalities: the role of intergenerational neighbourhood transmission, of residential sorting of mixed ethnic households, and of new housing constructions. Throughout, we focus on different groups with a specific focus on children and people with a migrant background.
The setting is Sweden and the Netherlands, forerunners in segregation and neighbourhood effects research. Two experienced teams in both countries will work together during a period of 6 years addressing these aims divided in four Work Packages addressing methods, patterns, mechanisms and consequences.
The programme will evaluate patterns of segregation, the mechanisms reproducing segregation, and the consequences for people and places, and how we can mitigate the negative effects of segregation.