About ResSegr
The project “Residential segregation in five European countries - A comparative study using individualized scalable neighbourhoods”, “ResSegr in short, ran from 2015 to 2019.
Our main contribution was to be the first to present comparable segregation measures, both over time and across urban areas and countries. We used an innovative measure of segregation, where neighbourhoods are defined from around individuals instead of being based on administrative borders.
Our project was based on the lack in progress in segregation research, characterized by a shortage of comparative studies on segregation levels, hindering our understanding of segregation.
This is important as urban residential segregation and its effects on social inclusion are a main concern of contemporary urban policy. Residential segregation, or the physical separation of groups into different neighbourhoods, may have negative effects, such as decreased chances on the labour market among minority groups and other forms of social exclusion.
Mapping the variation in geographical contexts in the urban areas in North-western Europe using comparable ethnic and socio-economic indicators is needed to open up new possibilities for addressing questions of central importance for urban analysis and urban policies.
In this 3-year project, a team of 15 researchers spread over 5 countries worked together, focusing on 4 goals:
Analysing the patterns of segregation using the new methodology;
Analysing the determinants of segregation, by looking at theories about the driving forces of residential segregation;
Examining the effects of segregation on individual outcomes, such as poverty, education and employment;
Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions such as area-based programmes on segregation.